Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kebesaran Allah...

Tiny and dying but still-powerful stars called pulsars spin like crazy and light up their surroundings, often with ghostly glows. So it is with PSR B1509-58, which long ago collapsed into a sphere just 12 miles in diameter after running out of fuel.

Nampak macam tangan orang yang ingin mencapai sesuatu.

And what a strange scene this one has created.

In a new image from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, high-energy X-rays emanating from the nebula around PSR B1509-58 have been colored blue to reveal a structure resembling a hand reaching for some eternal red cosmic light.

The star now spins around at the dizzying pace of seven times every second -- as pulsars do -- spewing energy into space that creates the scene.

Strong magnetic fields, 15 trillion times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field, are thought to be involved, too. The combination drives an energetic wind of electrons and ions away from the dying star. As the electrons move through the magnetized nebula, they radiate away their energy as X-rays.

The red light actually a neighboring gas cloud, RCW 89, energized into glowing by the fingers of the PSR B1509-58 nebula, astronomers believe.

The scene, which spans 150 light-years, is about 17,000 light years away, so what we see now is how it actually looked 17,000 years ago, and that light is just arriving here.

A light-year is the distance light travels in a year, about 6 trillion miles (10 trillion kilometers).

source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/20090405/sc_space/cosmichandreachesforthelight
[33] Wahai sekalian jin dan manusia! Kalau kamu dapat menembus keluar dari kawasan-kawasan langit dan bumi (untuk melarikan diri dari kekuasaan dan balasan Kami), maka cubalah kamu menembus keluar. Kamu tidak akan menembus keluar melainkan dengan satu kekuasaan (yang mengatasi kekuasaan Kami; masakan dapat)! (Ar-Rahman: 33)

Dlm ayat ni, Allah tmencabar jin dan manusia utk meneroka sampai ke penghujung alam semesta, nescaya tak dapat gak.
Ramai saintis barat yg cuba menyahut cabaran Tuhan, akhirnye mereka mengucap dua kalimah syahadah.

[37] Selain itu (sungguh ngeri) ketika langit pecah-belah lalu menjadilah ia merah mawar, berkilat seperti minyak.

[38] Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu yang kamu hendak dustakan?
(Ar-Rahman: 37 - 38)

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